The following participants have successfully completed the Sparring Course (Fundamental) held on Sunday 2 October at the STF National Training Centre.
1 Tan Yee Hong Lyon Acme TKD
2 Ajinkya Aspire TKD
3 Bhargav Aspire TKD
4 Teo Deszo Aspire TKD
5 Poh Hui Wen Aspire TKD
6 Goh Su-Jin Aspire TKD
7 Choo Xin Quan Victor Induk TKD
8 Gan Chloe Christel Induk TKD
9 Toh En Kai Kaizer Induk TKD
10 Chung Khum Yin Andrina JH Kim TKD (Toh Tuck)
11 Lee Mee Yee LK TKD
12 Chan Lai Wah LTA TKD
13 Keverne Gabriel Lee Siglp South CC
14 Low See Hong Bryant Taekwondonomics
15 Ang Hao jie Woodlands TKD
16 Ang Jun Jie Woodlands TKD
17 Dornaza Srikhar Woodlands TKD
18 Emilio Araqi Bin Yusri Woodlands TKD
19 Leong Junkai Woodlands TKD
20 Zhang Jinsong Woodlands TKD
21 Zhang Xinyue Woodlands TKD
Successful candidates will be exempted from sparring when they go for their red 1 to 1st poom / dan.