Player Management


Admission to the squads shall be by invitation from the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) or recommendations by the affiliates.


On admission, players shall complete the following forms:

– Player’s Personal Particulars Form
– Agreement for Nation Squad Trainees
– Player’s Goals
– Player’s Biodata

They would be given a copy of the guidelines for the selection and training of national players and the squad training schedule.


Squad members are required to submit the ‘absence from training’ form if they are unable to attend training.

Squad members who are on spexTAG will have to submit the Annual Training Plan. The plan may be prepared with the assistance of the coach.

For daily training, all squad members are expected to complete the ‘Today’s Training Commitment and Assessment’ form and the ‘Player’s Log’.

Monthly feedback will be given by the coach and the players.


National players may be asked to sign the letter of undertaking to diligently serve and assist the STF in any capacity and/or any duration deem fit and proper at the request and sole discretion of the STF.

All national players shall sign the letter of disclaimer and indemnity before departure and be given a copy of the players’ code of conduct (overseas).